Privacy Policy

What terms do we use in Privacy Policy?

Personal Data-data of a person who can be identified by the use of such data. This Privacy Policy explains how we use the personal information you provide to us.

You, Yours-any natural person whose Personal data we process and to whom this Privacy Policy applies.

Recipients-entities to whom we may transfer a part of your personal data, in connection with the performance of certain activities or services by them on our behalf. They may not do anything about your personal data until we have instructed them to do so, and only to the extent we have indicated. They will store your personal data securely and only for as long as we indicate or as required by applicable law.

Cookies-the so-called Internet cookies, i.e. tiny information recorded by the server on your computer disc in the form of small text files. Cookies make it possible to recognize the User’s device during the next visit, providing access to certain functions and allow us to understand how he navigated the site.

Privacy Policy-this policy sets forth the principles governing cookies and processing and protection of personal data.

Whose data does the privacy policy apply to?

Privacy Policy defines the method of collecting, processing and storing personal data of:

>Job Candidates




>employees or persons representing clients

>newsletter subscribers


>participants of meetup events

Who will be your data controller?

The controller of your Personal data: Remtix. with registered office at 2605, Pioneer Point, North Tower, 3 Winston Way, Ilford, London, IG1 2ZD. This means that we decide for what purpose the personal data you have provided to us are processed. We want you to know that we make every effort to keep your personal data safe. We do not provide personal data entrusted to us for a fee. You can contact us directly for information regarding the protection of your personal data at:

How do we process personal data?

Personal data is processed in accordance with the GDPR. The Personal data collected by Remtix will be:

>processed in accordance with the law

>collected for specified, lawful purposes and not subjected to further processing incompatible with these purposes

>factually correct and adequate in relation to the purposes for which they are processed

>stored no longer than it is necessary to achieve the purpose of processing.

What data are we talking about?

We collect information about you when you provide it to us yourself or when you use our services, including the services and other functionalities provided by Remtix on the Website and stored in cookies that are installed on our website, as well as the data we have obtained from publicly available sources, such as social media or through third parties that have suggested that we contact you. If you then decide to cooperate with us, additionally there will be all personal data you provide us with.

To whom can we share the data?

Your personal data may be transferred to processing entities that provide services to the Controller on the basis of entrustment agreements concluded with them (IT service providers, including hosting and services supporting HR processes, as well as operators of recruitment portals).Subject to applicable law, we may also transfer your data to other controllers entitled to obtain data under applicable law, such as courts or law enforcement agencies, only if they make a request on an appropriate legal basis, of course.

Is providing personal data voluntary?

Providing your data is mainly voluntary. We require you to provide personal data only at the stage of entering into an agreement with us (e.g. in the scope of sending a newsletter or e-book), and then in connection with the need to settle it (i.e. for accounting, tax or protection against claims). Detailed information in this regard is indicated above in the information for specific categories of persons.

The date of the last version of the policy is Aug 16th, 2024.


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2024 @ Remtix

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